Making the most of your local community
As a student on my summer holidays, I've been very lucky to have an abundance of spare time on my hands in the last couple months. During this time I've had some great opportunities to explore and get involved with the local community and make the most of all the benefits that living in a big city has to offer. Unsurprisingly, a fair proportion of these activities and groups have been environmentally focused! So I thought I'd make a post about some of the things I've been up to, the amazing people I've met and advice for finding or even starting similar projects in your town or city! I started off my summer in May with probably my favourite environmental event this year - A rock concert/networking event for local eco-charities and organisations called Environmental Rock. This was a collection of most of the major environmental groups in Southampton and allowed me to discover some really interesting causes. Not only was this a really good excuse to get a few pitche...